Plain hght > 1.00 m Ieft in |
m2 |
63.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
15.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
43.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
81.00 |
Sides of foundations with polystyrene type sided
formwork vert hght > 1.00 m Ieft in |
m2 |
24.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
7.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
14.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
24.00 |
Sides of ground beams with unfinished surfaces vert hght >
1.00 m |
m2 |
49.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
19.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
31.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
43.00 |
Edges of suspended slabs with unfinished
surfaces vert hght
n e 0.3m |
m |
22.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
32.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
54.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
82.00 |
Sides of upstands with unfinished surfaces vert hght >
1.00 m |
m2 |
60.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
20.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
36.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
54.00 |
hght 1m - 2m |
m |
85.00 |
Steps in soffits with unfinished surfaces vert hght n e
0.3m |
m |
17.00 |
hght 0.3m -0.5m |
m |
27.00 |
Machine/Plant bases with unfinished surfaces vert hght >
1.00 m |
m2 |
48.00 |
hght n e 0.3m |
m |
17.00 |
hght 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
32.00 |
hght 0.6m - 1m |
m |
41.00 |
hght 1m - 2m |
m |
86.00 |
Soffits of sIabs unfinished SIab thknss n e
0.3m horzntI hght to underside of soffit n e 1.50 m |
m2 |
53.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
51.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 3m - 5m |
m2 |
51.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 5m - 6.5m |
m2 |
53.00 |
SIab thknss 0.1m - 0.2m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
55.00 |
SIab thknss 0.2m - 0.3m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
56.00 |
SIab thknss 0.3m - 0.4m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
58.00 |
SIab thknss 0.4m - 0.5m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
61.00 |
SIab thknss 0.5m - 0.6m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
65.00 |
E/0 soffits of sIabs for sIoping n e 15 deg |
m2 |
5.00 |
sIoping > 15 deg |
m2 |
9.00 |
Soffits of slabs profiled steel type permanent
shuttering or the Iike with Slab thknss n e 0.3m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
48.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 3m - 5m |
m2 |
49.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 5m - 6.5m |
m2 |
56.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit over 6.5m |
m2 |
85.00 |
Soffits of Iandings unfinished SIab thknss n e
0.3m horzntI hght to underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
53.00 |
SIab thknss 0.1m - 0.2m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
58.00 |
SIab thknss 0.2m - 0.3m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
60.00 |
SIab thknss 0.3m - 0.4m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
65.00 |
SIab thknss 0.4m - 0.5m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
70.00 |
SIab thknss 0.5m - 0.6m horzntI hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
85.00 |
E/0 soffits of Iandings for sIoping n e 15
degs |
m2 |
5.00 |
sIoping > 15 deg |
m2 |
9.00 |
Soffits of coffered sIabs unfinished with
mouId at 0.3m deep at circa 600 mm cts & sIab thknss 350 - 450 mm
horzntI hght to underside of soffit n e 3m |
m2 |
75.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 3m - 5m |
m2 |
78.00 |
horzntI hght to underside of soffit 5m - 6.5m |
m2 |
80.00 |
WaIIs unfinished vert |
m2 |
56.00 |
Vert hght > 3.00 m above fIoor IeveI |
m2 |
65.00 |
Vert to 1 side onIy |
m2 |
97.00 |
Beams unfinished on uniform section sIabs with
a hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
63.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit 3m
- 5m |
m2 |
66.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit 5m
- 6.5m |
m2 |
68.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit
over 6.5m |
m2 |
98.00 |
Attached to uniform walls with a hght to
underside of soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
68.00 |
IsoIated uniform section with a hght to underside of
soffit 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
68.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit 3m
- 5m |
m2 |
70.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit 5m
- 6.5m |
m2 |
73.00 |
uniform section with a hght to underside of soffit
over 6.5m |
m2 |
102.00 |
E/0 uniform beams sloping n e 15
degrees |
m2 |
9.00 |
reg shape sIoping > 15 degs |
m2 |
17.00 |
Column casings unfinished on uniform walls with
a height to the underside of soffit of 1.5m - 3m |
m2 |
63.00 |
Recesses or rebates 15 by 15 mm |
m |
2.00 |
25 by 25 mm |
m |
2.00 |
25 by 50 mm |
m |
2.00 |
50 by 50 mm |
m |
2.00 |
Forming nibs 50 by 50 mm |
m |
15.00 |
100 by 100 mm |
m |
20.00 |
100 by 150 mm |
m |
24.00 |
100 by 200 mm |
m |
27.00 |
E/0 for special finish formed on the surface
of the Slabs |
m2 |
7.00 |
WaIIs |
m2 |
7.00 |
Beams |
m2 |
7.00 |
CoIumns |
m2 |
7.00 |
E/O formwork for radius |
m2 |
2.00 |
WaII kickers with unfinished surface and hght 150 mm |
m |
15.00 |
WaII kickers with unfinished surface and hght 225 mm |
m |
20.00 |
Stairflights of 3m with ave 0.3m thk including
formwork to create soffits, risers and strings and reinforcement including
all hook on fixings or the like |
m |
203.00 |
Sides of foundations; plain vertical 100 mm
thick |
with a height of > 1.00 m; |
m2 |
23.00 |
Sides of foundations; plain vertical 150 mm
thick |
with a height of > 1.00 m; |
m2 |
28.00 |
wdth 0.5m - 1m |
m2 |
61.00 |
wdth n e 0.3m |
m |
19.00 |
wdth 0.3m - 0.6m |
m |
36.00 |
wdth 0.6m - 1m |
m |
56.00 |
Holes/Mortices n.e. 0.3m deep n.e. 0.3m
diameter |
Nr |
7.00 |
0.3m to 0.6m deep with n e 0.3m diameter |
Nr |
10.00 |
0.6m to 1m deep with n e 0.3m diameter |
Nr |
9.00 |
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